What is an eBook?
What is an eBook?
An eBook or electronic book, is a book-length publication in digital form. The PACE® Organization is excited to offer Release Your Brakes as our very first eBook! Now you can download it straight to your Kindle, iPad or any other reading device.
What type of file is it?
Our eBook is published as an epub file.
Where can you read it?
There are a number of choices, depending on the book format you buy.
The “formats” let you know what file type the book has been made in. The most common is “htm” which is opened in your browser (Internet Explorer usually). There are also programs designed specifically for ebooks:
Microsoft made the Microsoft Reader program, that has “Clear Type Technology” and is supposed to make reading on screen much easier on your eyes.
Adobe Acrobat made PDF, files which are used in most business for documents that you want to look the same no matter what kind of computer opens them.
The Palm, Gemstar and Rocket formats are usually for use in an electronic reading device (such as the Palm Reader, Ebookwise and the Rocket).
There are also many other types of software that make executable files that do not require the purchaser to have the program installed on their computer to run. You just need the purchased book – this is a lot like zipped files that are made to self-extract, so that the recipient doesn’t have to have WinZip to open the file.
Some of these programs make books that display two pages on screen at once and when you click on the next page they actually show the page turning – so it almost feels like you are reading a print book!